Childbirth Resource Center

Pathways Into Midwifery

Wholistic Midwifery School of Southern California

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Midwife Shelly Girard and About Homebirth & Midwifery

So. Cal Birth Support Providers Directory

Welcome to the "Childbirth at Home" project! Our aim is to provide expecting parents with comprehensive information and resources about the option of home births. We understand that every family is unique, and so should be the birthing experience.

On our website, you'll find a wealth of information on preparing for a home birth, including essential supplies, safety tips, and advice from experienced parents who have chosen this path. We also offer insights into the benefits and challenges of home birthing, helping you make an informed decision that feels right for you and your family.

Explore our articles, guides, and personal stories to learn more about the beauty and comfort of bringing your baby into the world in the familiar surroundings of your home. Whether you are just considering a home birth or actively planning for one, we're here to support you every step of the way. Let's celebrate the journey of childbirth together, right at home!

| Home | Childbirth Resources | Buy Clomid |Pathways Into Midwifery | Birth Currents | Midwife Shelly Girard & About Homebirth and Midwifery |
| Wholistic Midwifery School | So. Cal Birth Support Providers Directory |